For charitable organizations that solicit contributions in Michigan |
- This site can be used for multiple purposes:
- Charities that solicit contributions may file their initial forms with the Michigan Department of Attorney General, Charitable Trust Section. There is no fee to register to solicit contributions in Michigan.
- Charities that solicit contributions may renew their Michigan solicitation registration.
- Michigan charities and charities holding assets in Michigan may register under Michigan's charitable trust law.
- Charities already registered as charitable trusts, but which are not required to register to solicit donations, may create their Form 990 or 990-EZ and efile it with the Charitable Trust Section as their required annual report.
- Should I e-file or submit paper forms to Michigan?
- Michigan has updated its paper forms on its website. The new forms are not yet available here for e-filing. However, Michigan will continue to accept the forms e-filed through this website. Some organizations, including those listed below, may prefer to file the new paper forms:
- Organizations that file Form 990-N. Instead of requiring a completed IRS Form 990-EZ through e-filing, you can simply complete a short schedule on the new application form.
- Organizations that might be exempt from filing in Michigan. Instead of filing the Initial Charitable Trust / Charitable Solicitation Questionnaire through e-filing, you may instead file the Request for Exemption form.
- What do I need to do to start e-filing?
- Request a Login ID and password for an officer of the organization.
- If this is your first filing with Michigan, you will need PDF copies of the organizing documents for your organization and/or correspondence from the IRS regarding your tax exempt status. The system will tell you if you need these documents as you enter the registration information.
- What are the steps for entering and filing Michigan forms?
- Request a Login ID for an officer of your organization.
- Create your Form 990/990-EZ and/or MI State Registration filing using the Filing Creation Wizard.
- Once the filing has been created using the Wizard, enter information into the Form 990 (if applicable) and the Michigan Questionnaire and Registration pages using the online State Registration System.
- When you have finished entering the information into the system, verify the forms and then, when it verifies with no errors, mark the filing as complete.
- Authenticate (electronically sign) the filing containing the Form 990 and/or Questionnaire and/or Registration Forms.
- Ready to get started?
- Click here to request a Login ID and password.
- If you already have a Login ID and password, click here to begin your Michigan filing using the Filing Creation Wizard.
- If you have already started your Michigan filing, and you want to go back in and edit it, click here to go to the control panel.
- Need Help?
- For questions about registering in Michigan, contact the Michigan Attorney General's office as follows:
Charitable Trust Section Department of the Attorney General PO Box 30214 Lansing, Michigan 48909 (517) 373-1152
- For technical problems using this website, click here to go to the 990 Online Support page